We have an appointment on July 5th to find out whether Shrimpy is a Leland or an Ember! We will be going to a 3D/4D ultrasound place in Bowie, MD on that Saturday so if anyone wants to come visit (probably more likely to be Shania and/or Chris since they live so "close") we can fit up to 8 people in the room. The appointment is at 10:00 AM and the link to the place we're doing it at is: http://www.my3dbaby.com/
We had an appointment this morning and we got to listen to the heartbeat again...Shrimpy was hyper! He/she was bouncing around so much it was hard to hear his/her heartbeat! But it was in the 160's which is normal and good!
In other news this is our first post so the people who get email notification of my posts should let me know if everything is working alright! Also Gran don't forget to forward to your clan and Mom to everyone else!
2 weeks until we leave San Angelo!
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