Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Charlie Chicken

Sunday I roasted my first chicken! And he was mmm mmm good. :) I was intimidated for sure, but I just did it. I absolutely killed the vegetables though! We had 2 lbs of leftover chicken meat. Last night we made "White Chicken Chili". It was amazing! White beans, 2/3 chopped onion, seeded jalapeno, green chilis, chicken, chicken broth, cumin, chili powder and italian seasoning. It was amazing. I topped mine with sour cream and Monterrey Jack cheese. We had some leftover chili so we will have "Chili Stretcher" which is where you put chili in the bottom of a muffin tin, then cheese, then corn bread batter. Bake the corn bread, serve upside down. Stretches the chili right out! That'll be leftover leftovers, huh? :) Tonight is chicken picadillo or chicken quesadillas. Probably quesadillas. Mmm.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Family Fun Fair

There was a family fun fair on post today so we had to go! We had a lot of fun and got a lot of stuff! Corbin painted, created, bounced and learned. We watched a skateboard demo, petted animals and he even went on a pony ride! They gave away a ton of free stuff. We got 3 Golden Books: Cars, Firetrucks and Miracles of Jesus. Yeah I was pleasantly surprised to see that last one! We also got 2 books for kids of deployed soldiers. One is for when Daddy leaves and one is for when he comes home. :) He decorated a bug box, won some bubbles. Yeah. It was fun.
Now it's nap time, then we're going to work on the bedroom until we go to our new friend's house for dinner.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Flylady

Things I have learned from The Flylady

Getting dressed to the shoes: Every morning get dressed, put on shoes, do your hair and face. You will feel more motivated to get stuff done! True story!

The swish and swipe: put soap (handsoap, shampoo, whatever) into the reservoir of your toilet brush. Every morning after you get ready for the day, swish the toilet with your already-soapy brush. Then use a rag or a clorox wipe to wipe down the toilet and a separate one to wipe down the counter/sink. Voila. Clean bathroom in 2 minutes. Bathroom is always clean and always smells great.

Shiny sink: if you keep your sink shiny and clean you will be less likely to leave dirty dishes in it. Also, shining it before bed lets you wake up and walk into a clean kitchen. Lovely!

15 minute cleans: I can clean the whole kitchen in 15 minutes. I can also clean the whole living room in 15 minutes. If I do just 2 15 minute cleans a day my house stays clean all the time. Yesterday my kitchen only took 10 minutes. The living room took 5! Just set the timer, it really helps. :)

27 boogie flings: whenever you feel up to, run around the house finding stuff to get rid of! Anything you don't love! Clutter included. Find 27 things around the house and watch your house transform. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's been awhile!

I've decided to start blogging again! Yay!

Ok so news..

Has a relatively large vocabulary.
Signs bath, more, ball, all done, eat and story.
Knows animal sounds like cow, horse, elephant and pig.
Runs everywhere and can kick/dribble a soccer ball!

I'm 13 weeks 1 day pregnant and I think I'm feeling movement!
Last ultrasound was at about 11 weeks..Bean was a little small but healthy. Heartrate was 168.

Got promoted to Sergeant recently!

I have started a new "thing" called Flylady that I'm involved with. That site will change your life! Our house is always clean now and under control!
I've been ultra tired lately, chasing a toddler while pregnant will do that to you. :)

And that's about it for now!