Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's been awhile!

I've decided to start blogging again! Yay!

Ok so news..

Has a relatively large vocabulary.
Signs bath, more, ball, all done, eat and story.
Knows animal sounds like cow, horse, elephant and pig.
Runs everywhere and can kick/dribble a soccer ball!

I'm 13 weeks 1 day pregnant and I think I'm feeling movement!
Last ultrasound was at about 11 weeks..Bean was a little small but healthy. Heartrate was 168.

Got promoted to Sergeant recently!

I have started a new "thing" called Flylady that I'm involved with. That site will change your life! Our house is always clean now and under control!
I've been ultra tired lately, chasing a toddler while pregnant will do that to you. :)

And that's about it for now!

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