Thursday, October 30, 2008

37 Weeks and a Care Package!

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you!"

I love getting mail! My mom sent us this awesome care package with homemade candy and snacks, my jack-o-lantern from home and a beautiful table cover thingy (I forgot what it's called!):

The "Fall" side of the table thingy with my pumpkin. :)

The "Halloween-y" side of my table thingy with my pumpkin! :)

This is sooooo cute! And just what I needed too, my house isn't near decorated enough! This definitely shows how well my mom knows me, I love every single fabric she chose!

In baby news: I've been having more and more prodromal labor. Last night we thought was for sure going to be it! But it wasn't. So we're just being impatient. We'll post something as soon as we know more!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

Brandon the dead Elvis, I did the smiley face, Cathy and John did the Disney Princess and scared guy!

Emily playing with the blanket that Cathy made for Corbin! It's crocheted!

Beautiful tree outside our front door. :)