Saturday, January 24, 2009

What I want to be...

when I grow up is: a doula.

I've talked about this a bit with my mom and my husband and some friends but I finally decided that I definitely want to do it. :)
I need to decide whether I want to be certified through DONA or ALACE. I also need to start reading the required books. Both certifications require a 3 day workshop so I won't be able to do that until I get back to Texas this summer (I will be needing to bring a babysitter for the time I'll be in class, if anyone is interested).
Once I do the workshop I will be a "doula" and can start attending births. I'm very excited about this!
I also hope that the training will help me have a better birth next time. Not that Corbin's birth wasn't awesome, I am just a little dissapointed in how it went. You know? It wasn't peaceful and smooth at all. I was kind of looking forward to laboring at home with just my hubby for a while before going to the birth center.
Anyway, water under the bridge! I just thought I would post a little update while my boys are napping!

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