Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Scare

Ok well after a few days of feeling a bit off, we decided to call the midwife and see what he wanted us to do.
He said "Oh why don't you just head to the hospital, I'll meet you there and we can check you out." So we said ok, and left. Didn't pack a bag, call anyone or anything.
Well this was Thursday and I just got home!
When we got there it turned out that I was in preterm labor (and probably had been for a few days) and I'm dilated a centimeter and 50% effaced!
Brandon and I most enjoyed the contraction monitor. I don't know why, it was just weird watching what my body was doing on the screen. Anyhow it didn't take long to figure out that I was having contractions every 2-6 minutes.
So they admitted me, gave me drugs to stop labor (made me very loopy!), gave me steroid shots to mature the baby's lungs faster (in case he really really wanted to be born) and pumped me full of fluids and antibiotics (for a UTI, which I already told one of the midwives I had but she didn't believe me).
I only slept for 2 hours Thursday night because I was in the most uncomfortable bed ever, with an IV and hooked up to monitors. I slept for about 5 hours last night and I plan to sleep all day tomorrow!
So now I'm on Procardia and bedrest until further notice. But the baby is happy and healthy and doesn't seem to mind me being in labor at all! So if he is born early, he will be ok. :) That's all for now, I'm off for a nap in my own bed!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I love you, Pookie! Will not call you tonight in cse you are sleeping. We'll call tomorrow after church.