Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pros and Cons

Hi everyone! One thing my mother can tell you is that I am always making plans for the future. Most of the time, they are idealistic and not very feasible, but Brandon and I decided to have a serious talk about what he will do in 2013 when his time in the Army is up.
Our choices are: Stay in the Army and go career (20-25 years) or get out of the Army and do the civilian version of his job at NSA in Denver.

Staying in the Army and Going Career

  1. Each year he will have the opportunity to advance in rank and earn more pay.
  2. We want a lot of kids, the Army will increase pay for each dependent we have up to 5.
  3. We might end up adopting, the Army reimburses adoption fees.
  4. Tricare-Free medical service.
  5. Retirement-If we start investing now, we could actually retire at 45 with no worries. If he stays in for 25 years, he gets 75% of his base pay as retirement.
  6. Property-We could go ahead and pick out where we want to settle down, buy some land, and have it paid for when we are ready to settle.
  7. Familiarity with the military "system".

  1. We won't be able to "settle down" until we are 45.
  2. Moving is hard, moving with kids is probably a lot harder!
  3. Brandon might deploy.

Getting Out of the Army and Doing the Civilian Version of His Job in Denver


  1. Higher pay is almost certain.
  2. Getting to "settle down".
  3. No moving.

  1. Retirement is not very clear.
  2. No Tricare.
  3. Uncertain promotions.
  4. Basic uncertainty.

And so we decided that staying in the military has the greatest advantages and the least disadvantages. So he is going to go career. :)


Alicia said...

You did exactly what Poppa would have suggested, make a pros and cons list.

Micah Mae said...

Great minds think alike!

La said...

Moving. Yuck! Moving with 3 was certainly not fun. I'll let you know how it is with 4 soon enough. ;)Those pros and cons lists are always helpful. We've done that a few times too when it's time for major decisions.

Hupernikao said...

Haha - Victoria was just making a pros and cons list for her high school choices next year.......maybe I should have her post it on her blog for comments